Thursday, March 31, 2011

Bama Breeeze

So it's been over a month since I last wrote. The past month has been very different than the previous one, that's for sure! Work is going well too.

I'll simply just put up some photos from the back yard and the house. Taking care of the veggies and plants around here has been taking up my time while home.

These are the rows of silver queen corn I planted. The ones over about two inches tall I transplanted from the seed starter plat yesterday. Hopefully they'll take off real well in the yard with plenty of sun. Can't wait to eat some fresh corn! The starter plat still has some cucumbers and beans that need to grow more before I'll transplant them. 

I also planted this beautiful hibiscus yesterday as well. It'll stay in the front of the house for all to see. I really like how they bloom all summer down here because of our hot weather. 

So, all that sand is my little re-hab project with my grass. This area off my back porch got lots of wear and tear because Penny would run around and she also liked to dig! Should just take a couple months to get it back healthy. 

My JOY is not determined by what happens to me, but what Christ is doing in me and through me!